Thursday, January 2, 2014

The final days of sewing through my stash

The Year is Complete...365 days of sewing

I finished my year of sewing through my stash with a darling baby coat.  When I set my goal, I thought my closet and sewing room drawers would be empty at the year's end.  I expected that I would be counting down the days until I could purchase some fabric again.   Yet, I found that the year did not unfold in quite the way I expected. 
My sewing has always been a source of great joy for me, but in 2013, my very survival depended on it.  There are years like that, years where we have to remember just to breathe.  I stitched myself back together after every bit of me fell apart.   I am not sad about the way it all went.  I needed to fall apart. I didn't realize just how tattered I had become. 
Sew...... that brings me to 2014.....
"Creating a Beautiful Life" will be the title of my new blog with a sort of "how to" on creating a beautiful life.   I have learned so very much about life, it seems like sharing is just the right thing to do. 
My first post is coming soon.